Saturday, May 7, 2016

Emma: 9 Months Old

Emma turned 9 months old on April 30th. According to "What to Expect the First Year" this is where she is at with her developmental milestones.

Most babies will probably be able to...

  • She can do:
    • Get into a sitting position from tummy
    • Work to get a toy that is out of reach
    • Respond to own name (most of the time)
    • Smile at self in mirror
    • Follow your gaze when you look away

Half of all babies will be able to...
  • She can do:
    • Pull up to standing position from sitting
    • Crawl
    • Stand holding on to someone to something
    • Say "mama" and "dada" without meaning (she totally knows the meaning)
    • Play peekaboo
  • She can't yet do:
    • Object if you try to take a toy away (or hasn't yet)
    • Pick up a tiny object with thumb and finger (she is really close)

Some babies will be able to...
  • She can do:
    • Walk holding onto furniture (cruise) (as of 4/19/16)
    • Stand alone momentarily (she doesn't do it often as she doesn't like to fall)
    • Understand "no" but not always obey
  • She can't yet do: 
    • Clap hands or wave bye-bye (she tries, but isn't there just yet)

A few babies will be able to...
  • She can do:
    • Drink from a cup independently (as long as it has a straw)
    • Say "dada" or "mama" with meaning (she says both)
  • She can't yet do:
    • Say one word other than "mama" or "dada" (Bobby disagrees, but the word she says to nurse isn't really a word. It is more just a sound.)
    • Respond to one-step command with gestures ("Give that to me." said with hand out)
    • Stand alone well
    • Play ball (roll ball back to you)

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