There are a lot of old wive's tales to determine the gender of your baby. I went through some of the more popular ones and according to them this is the gender of our baby.
We find out the actual gender via sonogram later on today!
Heart Rate:
The Theory: if baby's heart rate is above 140 it's a girl, if it's lower it is a boy.
My Results: At both appointments the heart rate was between 150-170
Prediction: Girl
Morning Sickness:
The Theory: The sicker you are, the more likely that it is a girl.
My Results: I was really nauseous the first 11 weeks, from 12 weeks - 15 weeks I threw up at least once a day. From 16 - 19 weeks I threw up just a few times. I definitely wasn't as sick as some women.
Prediction: Girl?
Where's the Bump:
The Theory: The higher you're carrying, the more chance it is a girl. If it is low, it is a boy.
My Results: I still haven't actually popped, but I feel like I am carrying high, just from the fact that I can never breathe.
Prediction: Girl
Glowing Skin:
The Theory: If your skin is smoother and better than ever, it is a boy. If you are breaking out all over it is a girl.
My Results: I have never really had bad skin except when it was my time of the month. I would say since the early stages I have at least two breakouts at a time. Once they clear up, two more pop up.
Prediction: Girl
The Theory: If you are craving salty and savory stuff it is a boy. If you are craving sweet things, it is a girl.
My Results: In the beginning I was definitely craving salty and savory, but over the last few weeks my sweet tooth has come back in full force.
Prediction: Girl
Breast Growth:
The Theory: If you chest has exploded in size it means girl. If it hasn't changed all the much it is a boy.
My Results: While they have definitely gotten a little bit bigger, let's face it, they were huge to begin with, I still fit comfortably in most of my bras.
Prediction: Boy
Chinese Gender Prediction:
The Theory: You have to consult this chart and by using your age at conception and month of conception come up with the gender.
My Results: 24 years old (less than a month from being 25, which would change the whole gender), conception month November.
Prediction: Girl
The Necklace Test:
The Theory: You get someone to hold a necklace above your hand. If it goes in a circle it is a girl, if swings side to side, it is a boy.
My Results: My 7th period students really wanted to do this one, so I let a few of girls do it. The necklace swung from side to side.
Prediction: Boy
Side You Like To Rest On:
The Theory: If you prefer to lay on your left side, it is a boy. If you prefer to lay on your right side, it is a girl.
My Results: I like my right side.
Prediction: Girl
Baby Names:
The Theory: If you can only think of names for a specific sex, then that is the gender.
My Results: Bobby and I can only agree on a girl name, no boy names as of yet.
Prediction: Girl
Winner: Girl
There are so many more out there, these are just the ones I found most interesting. Can't wait to find out for real this afternoon!
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