Monday, March 30, 2015

22 Weeks Pregnant!


According to, the Traffic Cone is the size of a Papaya.

I was 22 weeks pregnant on March 23rd and we have reached month 5!

The Baby

She is about 10.5 to 11.8 in long and can weight anywhere from 12.7 oz to 20.8 oz. 

Now that she has more developed eyes and lips she looks even more like a newborn.

She is sleeping in cycles, about 12 to 14 hours per day. Which totally explains why I haven't been feeling much movement during the day lately. 

The Mama

My back is still killing be pretty much constantly, but I have kind of gotten used it. I am still able to sleep through most of the night. I have trouble catching my breath and I have hair growing on my bump, which is kind of weird. 

I am pretty much officially out of my pre-pregnancy tops, and really hoping that the rest of my stomach pops soon so I can get into some maternity pants. 

Up until last Monday night I didn't have really any emotional break downs. Then on Monday we were supposed to go to the park after work to play disc golf. The weather was awesome after several weeks of constant rain so I was really looking forward to it. Well, Bobby got off about an hour later than usual so by time he got home it was pointless to go because it was already starting to get dark. So I cooked dinner and we sat down to eat and then it all of a sudden hit me, I was really disappointed that we didn't get to go and on top of that I had a migraine, so I just started crying about it. My first emotional pregnancy break down, although Bobby insists that it wasn't a break down. 

Our next Midwife appointment is on April 6th, they will re check the gender and re measure her stomach to make sure it is developing correctly. 

Besides being 100% exhausted most of the time, I've been feeling really good. 

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