Monday, March 30, 2015

22 Weeks Pregnant!


According to, the Traffic Cone is the size of a Papaya.

I was 22 weeks pregnant on March 23rd and we have reached month 5!

The Baby

She is about 10.5 to 11.8 in long and can weight anywhere from 12.7 oz to 20.8 oz. 

Now that she has more developed eyes and lips she looks even more like a newborn.

She is sleeping in cycles, about 12 to 14 hours per day. Which totally explains why I haven't been feeling much movement during the day lately. 

The Mama

My back is still killing be pretty much constantly, but I have kind of gotten used it. I am still able to sleep through most of the night. I have trouble catching my breath and I have hair growing on my bump, which is kind of weird. 

I am pretty much officially out of my pre-pregnancy tops, and really hoping that the rest of my stomach pops soon so I can get into some maternity pants. 

Up until last Monday night I didn't have really any emotional break downs. Then on Monday we were supposed to go to the park after work to play disc golf. The weather was awesome after several weeks of constant rain so I was really looking forward to it. Well, Bobby got off about an hour later than usual so by time he got home it was pointless to go because it was already starting to get dark. So I cooked dinner and we sat down to eat and then it all of a sudden hit me, I was really disappointed that we didn't get to go and on top of that I had a migraine, so I just started crying about it. My first emotional pregnancy break down, although Bobby insists that it wasn't a break down. 

Our next Midwife appointment is on April 6th, they will re check the gender and re measure her stomach to make sure it is developing correctly. 

Besides being 100% exhausted most of the time, I've been feeling really good. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

21 Weeks Pregnant!

According to, the Traffic Cone is the size of a pomegranate.

I was 21 weeks pregnant on March 16, 2015.

The Baby

Her digestive system is prepping for the outside world and she is making meconium. 

She also has a lifetime supply of eggs, 6 million! (Although, I don't really want to think about that, she isn't even born yet!)

She is about 10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces!

We have a name, but are keeping it a secret until she arrives! 

The Mama

I'm feeling pretty good. I have to take Unisom every few nights or so, because my lower back is so bad that it keeps me from sleeping. 

I am having a lot of round ligament pain, but it doesn't last to long, just a few seconds at a time. Heartburn is very definite, but milk seems to do the trick. 

Bobby and I have started walking and doing light strength training this week. I get winded very easily. 

My skin is getting a little itchy from stretching, but lotion seems to help a little. 

I did throw up this week due to a smell that was in our kitchen when I woke up, but I couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from.

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We are half way there! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

20 Weeks Pregnant!

According to, the traffic cone is the size/length of a banana!

I was 20 weeks pregnant on March 9, 2015.

The Baby

She's got working taste buds and is gulping down several ounces of fluid each day.

She weighs about 10.2 oz and measures about 6.5 in. She still has a lot of growing to do, but we are halfway there!

The Mama

I am officially in maternity tops, but when I went shopping for pants I found that I am not quiet there yet! Hopefully soon!

I'm having some heartburn and my legs are having some swelling. I have actually gained about 7lbs so far, which isn't bad for 20 weeks, but I gained it all in the last 4 weeks. My eating habits haven't really changed, but just in case Bobby and I are going to start doing some light exercising after work in the evenings. 

I am starting to get very short of breath with very little activity. Smells really get to me as well still, so I still throw up every now and then. 

We did our gender reveal this week and found out we are having a girl. Now there is a possibility that she isn't a girl, because she wouldn't open her legs all the way, but the sonogram tech seemed pretty sure. They will double check at the next appointment when they re-measure the stomach. 

She still moves a lot, especially at night. I can't wait till Bobby can feel her!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Gender Reveal Photo Shoot

I really wanted to do a gender reveal photo shoot. I was thinking something simple, balloons, silly string, etc. Bobby really wanted to make it unique and came up with the carnival theme. I took it from there. I decided we would play a carnival game and then the prize would reveal the gender, pink or blue.

Bobby built the PVC stand and I got the striped table clothes from Hobby Lobby and we just taped it to the PVC. I also found the carnival signs in a pack at Hobby Lobby. Then we got red solo cups and .99 cent ball from target for the game. My mom loaned us her card table and a white table cloth. We also used her backyard for the pictures.

They aren't in any particular order, if you want to see the progression picture announcement click here. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

20 Week Anatomy Scan and Midwife Appointment

On March 11 we had our anatomy scan and 20 week appointment with the midwives.

She is measuring 20 weeks on everything, except her stomach. She is measuring a few days behind on that. The midwives weren't worried though, because she was curled up in a ball and wouldn't unroll so it was hard to get some of the measurements.

Here are some of the sonogram pictures. Because of the stomach measurements we will have another sonogram at our next appointment
in April.

She was very relaxed and had her hand up behind her head just hanging out. Her legs were curled up to her stomach through the whole thing though.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Old Wive's Tales Gender Reveal

There are a lot of old wive's tales to determine the gender of your baby. I went through some of the more popular ones and according to them this is the gender of our baby.

We find out the actual gender via sonogram later on today!

Heart Rate:

The Theory: if baby's heart rate is above 140 it's a girl, if it's lower it is a boy.

My Results: At both appointments the heart rate was between 150-170

Prediction: Girl

Morning Sickness:

The Theory: The sicker you are, the more likely that it is a girl.

My Results: I was really nauseous the first 11 weeks, from 12 weeks - 15 weeks I threw up at least once a day. From 16 - 19 weeks I threw up just a few times. I definitely wasn't as sick as some women. 

Prediction: Girl?

Where's the Bump:

The Theory: The higher you're carrying, the more chance it is a girl. If it is low, it is a boy.

My Results: I still haven't actually popped, but I feel like I am carrying high, just from the fact that I can never breathe.

Prediction: Girl

Glowing Skin:

The Theory: If your skin is smoother and better than ever, it is a boy. If you are breaking out all over it is a girl. 

My Results: I have never really had bad skin except when it was my time of the month. I would say since the early stages I have at least two breakouts at a time. Once they clear up, two more pop up.

Prediction: Girl


The Theory: If you are craving salty and savory stuff it is a boy. If you are craving sweet things, it is a girl. 

My Results: In the beginning I was definitely craving salty and savory, but over the last few weeks my sweet tooth has come back in full force. 

Prediction: Girl

Breast Growth:

The Theory: If you chest has exploded in size it means girl. If it hasn't changed all the much it is a boy.

My Results: While they have definitely gotten a little bit bigger, let's face it, they were huge to begin with, I still fit comfortably in most of my bras.

Prediction: Boy

Chinese Gender Prediction:

The Theory: You have to consult this chart and by using your age at conception and month of conception come up with the gender. 

My Results: 24 years old (less than a month from being 25, which would change the whole gender), conception month November.

Prediction: Girl

The Necklace Test:

The Theory: You get someone to hold a necklace above your hand. If it goes in a circle it is a girl, if swings side to side, it is a boy.

My Results: My 7th period students really wanted to do this one, so I let a few of girls do it. The necklace swung from side to side.

Prediction: Boy

Side You Like To Rest On:

The Theory: If you prefer to lay on your left side, it is a boy. If you prefer to lay on your right side, it is a girl.

My Results: I like my right side.

Prediction: Girl

Baby Names:

The Theory: If you can only think of names for a specific sex, then that is the gender. 

My Results: Bobby and I can only agree on a girl name, no boy names as of yet. 

Prediction: Girl

Winner: Girl

There are so many more out there, these are just the ones I found most interesting. Can't wait to find out for real this afternoon! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

19 Weeks Pregnant!

According to, the Traffic Cone is the size of a Mango. Fun fact, I craved these like crazy during the beginning of my pregnancy. 

The Baby

The baby is developing the protective coating over its skin called vernix caseosa. It is the greasy white stuff you see after birth (we are hoping to skip this part of birth since we are hoping for a water birth). The baby is working on its five senses, as the nerve cells begin to develop in the brain. 
The baby is about 6.0 inches in length and 8.5 oz. We have our anatomy scan next week, where we will find out the gender, but more importantly make sure the baby is 100% healthy. 

The Mama

I feel some round ligament pain, but not a lot. Apparently it is more painful in second and third pregnancies than in first. My hands tend to fall asleep randomly. Especially if I wake up on my back, but the other day I was on Pinterest and all of sudden my right hand was asleep, with no warning. 

The lower back still hurts, but I have gotten pretty used it. It has stopped keeping me up at night and I am still off Unisom. Before you get pregnant you hear all these great things about Pre-Natal Vitamins and how they make your hair and nails stronger, well, I'm calling it! We are almost half way through the pregnancy and the only thing that has gotten stronger are my toe nails. The finger nails are just as brittle and I actually feel like I am losing more hair, if that is even possible, since I shed like a dog before getting pregnant. 

Still not feeling any significant kicks or punches yet, they still feel like muscle spasms and you can't feel anything from the outside. The most significant thing I have felt is the flip from a few weeks ago. 

My stomach still hasn't popped yet, the top half has but the bottom half hasn't. The other day I felt like I actually looked pregnant so I took my first bump picture at 19 weeks 1 day. Please excuse the mess as this was the end of the day after teaching for 8 hours. 
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I am really looking forward to the anatomy scan and being able to actually start planning things, like the nursery and being able to start crocheting blankets and hats. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

18 Weeks Pregnant

According to the Traffic Cone is as big (long) as a Sweet Potato.

The Baby

The baby is hiccuping, yawning, sucking and swallowing. It can also twist, roll, punch and kick. I totally believe this as I feel like I am a human punching bag at night and currently as I type this. 
The baby is about 5.6 inches long and about 6.7 oz and is growing rapidly (explains why I am so hungry all the time). 

The baby is working their muscles and practicing all kind of moves, like I said, human punching bag from the inside. 

The Mama

I can definitely feel movement, nothing super substantial yet, but it is always there when I am still. My lower back is still driving me crazy, it is just a dull ache 24/7. I can get to sleep fine with a pillow between my legs,but the pillow eventually drives me crazy and I kick that out and then back starts to hurt again. I am off Unisom as of this week though which is good.  

I am still really tired and in bed by 8 pm most nights. It makes it really hard to keep the house in order because when I get home from 8/9 hours of teaching the last thing I want to do is get the house in order. 

I will still throw up if I'm not eating enough/often enough. I am finding it hard to get the amount of water I need each day. I can't just go to the bathroom when I need to go since I teach, so I find myself not drinking during the work day so I won't have to go to the bathroom. The other day I held it for 6 hours, which I know is not good. 

I'm still struggling to get all the protein in that I am supposed to be getting, I just don't really want meat. I usually love salad, and the other day I made one with chicken and I wound up eating around the chicken. 

I have been craving the Tea Room from our home town and my mom said she will try to pick some up for me so when we come visit over spring break I can get it. They are only open 3 hours a day during the week so we are never there in time to get it before they close. 

I'm really looking forward to finding out the gender and making sure everything is healthy. Two weeks until the anatomy scan!