Monday, February 2, 2015

14 Weeks Pregnant!

I was 14 weeks pregnant on January 26th and the Traffic Cone is the size of a lemon. We have hit the 2nd trimester!!!

According to, the baby is 3.4 in long and weighs 1.5 oz, the weight has doubled in the last week.

The baby is probably sucking their thumb and wiggling their toes. The kidneys are making urine, and the liver and spleen are functioning. The baby is growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over their body, this will help keep them warm.

As for me my sleeping isn't getting any better, I wake up with some major lower back pain through out the night. I am also still throwing up very often, and I still have no energy. I'm really hoping all this backs off soon. I seem to have the most energy on the weekends when I can wake up on my own, without my alarm clock.

Still no major cravings, but I loath red meat in every form. My clothes are continuing to not fit, but one of my students told me that I was starting to look pregnant this week, which really made my day, as I am very tired of being in the fat phase.

I have been lucky to now have a ton of migraines since being pregnant, but one hit last night and I was in bed and incapacitated by 7pm. I am hoping I don't get another one for a while.

We have switched insurances, since Bobby got his new job, and they cover midwives, so we have an appointment on Friday with a birthing center. I am really looking forward to that.

Well there you have it, 14 weeks! Really hoping week 15 brings energy and a stronger stomach.

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