Monday, June 1, 2015

31 Weeks Pregnant

I was 31 weeks pregnant on May 25th. 

According to, the Traffic Cone is the size of a pineapple. 

The Baby

She is between 15.2 and 16.7 in long and around 2.5 - 3.8 lbs. 

She is still going through some major brain and nerve development. 

Her eyes are now reactive to light and all five of her senses are working, except she doesn't use the sense of smell yet, since she has no air. 

She moves all the time, especially if I lay on my right side. She has gotten very strong, sometimes her movements actually cause me some pain. Besides laying on my right side, and music, she also enjoys sugar. I don't eat a lot of sugar, but last night we had chocolate chip cookies and ice cream and she went crazy. 

The Mama

As far as my pregnancy symptoms go, it does not take much to get me out of breath, and I have to go to the bathroom at least every hour if not several times an hour which can get pretty annoying.

My back still aches pretty constantly but the chiropractor has really helped with that. I am going twice a week for the next few weeks as my pelvis is so mis-aligned it could really mess with a vaginal delivery. 

I do have trouble sleeping, but not from pain anymore, just from the constant need to get up in the middle of the night and use the bathroom and then I can't go back to sleep. 

As I mentioned above, she moves all the time, I love it! Although, it is painful sometimes it is really cool to feel. Bobby loves to feel her a well and talks to her all the time. I've noticed that she has gotten a lot stronger in just the past couple of days. It does tend to keep me up at night, and my ribs and parts of my abdomen are pretty sore. I've noticed once I get into a position it is really hard to move to another.

Our doula had a labor class this past weekend that we attended and while most of it was a good review of our Birth Boot Camp Class, I learned that in the 3rd trimester you are not supposed to sit in a reclined position because it can cause the baby's head to line up the wrong way and make delivery harder. So, our lovely new recliner couches that we have had about week I can't recline in them until after she gets here, that is kind of downer, but hey if it makes delivery easier I will forgo the reclining.

I think I have what is called "diastasis recti," it is where the ab muscles split. 1 in 3 women get it while pregnant, but most of the time it goes un-diagnosed. It is pretty painful, but there are exercises you can to do help it, which I have been doing but I'm not sure if they are helping yet, time will tell.

I have been taking my blood pressure twice a day and it has been pretty normal except for one time so far. I've notice it is higher the more tired I am. While I know, no one cares what my BP is twice a day, I want to keep it some where for a record:

Date                                    BP                                    Time
5/24                                   111/76                                 PM - Normal
5/25                                   114/70                                 AM - Normal
5/25                                   122/78                                 PM - Normal
5/26                                   121/73                                AM - Normal
5/26                                   118/80                                PM - Normal
5/27                                   120/82                                AM - Normal
5/27                                   109/71                                PM - Normal
5/28                                   117/84                                AM - Normal
5/29                                   118/87                                AM - High - diastolic
5/29                                   128/83                                PM - Normal
5/30                                   118/84                                AM - Normal                            
5/31                                   117/76                                PM - Normal

So, all in in all my BP as been fine, except for that one time on the 29th.

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