Most babies will probably be able to:
- She can do:
- Lift head 90 degrees when on tummy and turn head from side to side
- Lift head when held in someones arms
- Anticipate being lifted
- Laugh out loud (she doesn't do it very often)
- Follow an object in an arc about 6 inches above her face for 180 degrees, watching all the way
Half of all babies will be able to:
- She can do:
- Quiet down at the sound of a soothing voice or when held
- While on her tummy raise her chest supported by her arms
- Keep head level when pulled to seating position
- Roll over (still only tummy to back)
- Pay attention to an object as small as a raisin
- Reach for an object
- Squeal in delight (Dad is not a fan)
- Turn in the directions of a voice (normally dad's)
Some babies will be able to:
- She can do:
- Bear some weight on legs when held in a standing position
- She can't yet do:
- Sit without support
- Object if you try to take a toy away
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