Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Pregnancy #2: 16 Weeks and Midwife Appt

I was 16 weeks pregnant on November 21st.

According to thebump.com, the baby is the size of an avocado!

The baby can hear my voice and tiny bones are forming in the ears. Hair, lashes and eyebrows are growing as well as state buds. 
The baby is 4.6 in long and weights 3.5 oz. 

The morning sickness still hits in the afternoon, but eating seems to help. I am still very very exhausted all the time. Bobby has had to do most of the cooking and cleaning. On the weekends my energy is pretty much gone by noon.

I had my 16 week midwife appoint on the 20th. Originally I had been told that I had to do an early glucose test because my numbers back in April were 5.7. I didn't really understand since my numbers after I got pregnant, that were taken in October were down to a 5.2 which is perfect. I did convince them to do it fasted, because I know the glucose drink would make me miserable since I have been off sugar for a year. However, when I got there the midwife I saw said that I didn't need it since my numbers were in perfect range at a 5.2. I was starving since I had to come to the appointment fasted. Everything was good, still not weight gain, I actually lost 1/2 a lb. I didn't really gain weight with Emma until the 2nd half and it is my goal to not gain more than 20 this time around. With Emma I gained about 35 I think. The baby is good and the heartbeat was at 156. Even though we aren't finding out the gender I do think it is a girl. We have the anatomy scan on the 15th. The midwives want me to see the OBs since I have a history of Pre-ecclampsia, I don't really understand this because you can't diagnose it through a sonogram, but I said okay. Then I have my next Midwife appointment on the 19th at 20 weeks.

This week was also our Thanksgiving break so I was off work and Emma was out of daycare. Bobby also took the week off. It was a nice week of relaxing and not doing much. For Thanksgiving we went to Oklahoma to a state park which was fun.

I started sleeping a lot better toward the end of this week without my Unisom which is great. My back has also stopped hurting at night and I am hoping that will last because I think that is why I'm sleeping so much better.

Emma 16 Weeks

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