Saturday, February 10, 2018

Pregnancy #2: 24 Weeks and Midwife Appointment

I was 24 weeks pregnant on January 16th. 

According the baby is the size of a cantaloupe.

The Baby

His skin is becoming less see-through and he is starting to get a pink glow.

He is still between 10.5-11.8 in long and weighs between 12.7 -20.8 oz. (1.5 lbs last week)
His heartbeat at the appointment was in the 150s and he was measuring right on track. 

The Mama
The aches and pains are coming back, so I am pretty sure he has dropped again. I have a chiropractic appointment next week that I am looking forward to a lot. He is really low as that is where I feel 99% of the movements, but I can go from sitting with no need to use the bathroom, to standing and thinking I'm not going to make it. I guess when I stand he drops down on to my bladder. The other day we got home from work and Emma was being really slow and all "I do it" about getting out of her car seat, but I had to pee really bad. I told her "Hurry up,  I have to go potty because brother is jumping on my bladder!" She looked at my belly and said "Stop brother, not nice." Haha, I couldn't stop laughing. 

I haven't been able to sleep well again because I prefer my left side or back, but those positions he moves a lot. If I lay on my right side he won't move at all, but my hip starts to hurt. 

I went this weekend to look for some maternity slacks and Motherhood Maternity, because I am over the ordering and returning and was just going to shell out the money. However, none of their pants have pockets so the pantie lines are horrible. Who designs pants without pockets? So, I ordered from Old Navy and I'm hoping the 100th time is the charm. 

The Midwife Appointment
I have gained about 13lbs so not bad at this point, especially with just getting over the holidays I feel good about this. I had gained 10 with Emma at this point. My blood pressure is good so no signs of pre-eclampsia. I saw the head midwife, which I was excited about because I had a lot of questions about delivery and if anything would change based on the possibility of down syndrome. She said delivery would not change and that I could still have a water birth as long as I didn't get pre-eclampsia (hopefully the low dose asprin does it's job!). With Emma I started having blood pressure issues at 28 weeks. 

The app that I use to take these pictures (Photofy) added some new stickers related to food so I am adding in those. This is the size coffee that I need to get through the day but can't have. 

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