Friday, January 26, 2018

Pregnancy #2: 17 Weeks

I was 17 weeks pregnant on November 17th. According to, the baby is the size of an onion.

The Baby

The baby's cartilage is turning to bone and the fat is coming in. The umbilical cord is now stronger too. 

The baby is 5.1 inches long and weights 5.9 oz.

The Momma
I am still really tired and the pains and the hips in the lower back are starting. I am trying to hold off on the Chiropractor until the first of the year though because of the deductible restarting. 

I'm still sleeping pretty decently some weeks are better than others. The movement is really picking up. I am ready for our anatomy scan in two weeks. Really not a whole lot to update on this week.

Here is Emma at 17 weeks

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