I did this with Emma, so I really want to do it with this baby too. There are a lot of old wive's tales to determine the gender of your baby. I went through some of the more popular ones and according to them this is the gender of our baby.
Heart Rate:
The Theory: if baby's heart rate is above 140 it's a girl, if it's lower it is a boy.
My Results: At both appointments the heart rate was between 160-170
Prediction: Girl
Morning Sickness:
The Theory: The sicker you are, the more likely that it is a girl.
My Results: I was really nauseous from 3.5 weeks until about 17 weeks.
Prediction: Girl
Where's the Bump:
The Theory: The higher you're carrying, the more chance it is a girl. If it is low, it is a boy.
My Results: Definitely carrying low this time around. Emma was super high.
Prediction: Boy
Glowing Skin:
The Theory: If your skin is smoother and better than ever, it is a boy. If you are breaking out all over it is a girl.
My Results: No bad skin issues. Someone even mentioned I was glowing at work.
Prediction: Boy
The Theory: If you are craving salty and savory stuff it is a boy. If you are craving sweet things, it is a girl.
My Results: Craving carbs and salty stuff.
Prediction: Boy
Breast Growth:
The Theory: If you chest has exploded in size it means girl. If it hasn't changed all the much it is a boy.
My Results: My chest has exploded for sure.
Prediction: Girl
Chinese Gender Prediction:
The Theory: You have to consult this chart and by using your age at conception and month of conception come up with the gender.
My Results: August conception month, 27 years old
Prediction: Girl
Side You Like To Rest On:
The Theory: If you prefer to lay on your left side, it is a boy. If you prefer to lay on your right side, it is a girl.
My Results: I like my left side, but baby moves a ton on this side so it is not super comfortable.
Prediction: Boy
Baby Names:
The Theory: If you can only think of names for a specific sex, then that is the gender.
My Results: Bobby won't talk about names, but I have a ton of girl names and not many boy names
Prediction: Girl
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