Thursday, September 3, 2015

Emma: Week 3

Emma's third week of life was from August 14th to 20th.

I had my 2 week postpartum visit this week and we got to put her footprints on the wall.

A short note about my recovery: it is going well just sore. We are finally getting the hang of breastfeeding as well and it is starting to go great! Ok, back to Emma!

We took her newborn pictures this weekend and my awesome sister-in-law, Emily, did an amazing job! Emma would not go to sleep and was really fussy and Emily was so patient. 

She is the champ at fighting sleep!

Drama Queen!

She likes her baths now. She even slept through one of her baths this week.

We also had our postpartum visit with Lindsay, our Doula, and she got some Emma snuggles.

Emma had another chiropractor appointment, her adjustments have done wonders for breastfeeding and keeping her from being constipated. We also tried our first outing to Target just the two of us, that lasted all of about 15 min. 

She also got to meet more family. Her Great Papa, Great Nana, cousin Charlie and her Great, Great Grandmother, Ernie!

Apparently all that family meeting was exhausting

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