Saturday, January 17, 2015

11 Weeks Pregnant

I was 11 week pregnant on January 5th, this was also my first day back to work from being on our two week break.

The Traffic Cone is the size of a lime and is about 1.6 in long and has a 1:1 head to body ratio. The baby now weights about .25 oz.

Even though I can't see it the baby is moving a lot. The skin is see-through, but is slowly becoming more like a babies skin. The fingers and toes aren't webbed anymore and tooth buds, hair follicles and nail beds are forming.

I was still really tired this week. My breasts were still very sore and my nausea still followed me around every minute of every day. I started having weird dreams this week as well. I normally can't remember them once I wake up, the only thing remember is that it was really weird. I have been craving fruit this week and last week, especially mangoes, strawberries and pineapple. My close are starting to get tight, I can't even wear my slacks anymore. I have ordered something that will hopefully allow me to get back in them.

I have been having sleep issues ever since we moved, I can go to sleep fine but every couple of hours I wake up and can't go back to sleep for another hour or so. I had my first OB appointment this week on 7th, post to come.

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