Wednesday, January 14, 2015

8 Weeks Pregnant

I was 8 weeks pregnant on December 15th.

The Traffic Cone is the size of a raspberry and now weights about .04 oz, measures about .63 inches, and is growing about a millimeter each day.

I can't feel it yet, but the baby is moving like crazy! Fingers and toes are not only slightly webbed, the tail is gone. The taste buds are now forming as well.

The newness has slightly worn off by now for us, and I am getting used to the idea. Finances kind of had me stressed and emotional but other than that I was ok. This was the last week before Christmas break, and boy was I ready. I had the doctor appointment on the 17th and I was ready to get confirmation.

As far as symptoms go, I was really nauseous  this week, to the point where if I wasn't eating I felt like I was going to throw up. I was still really tired as well.

On that Wednesday, the 17th I had my doctors appointment. I just went in and filled out a ton of paperwork, and they took a lot of blood. I had trouble moving my arm the next few days because it was so sore.

Also this week we were trying to get everything together to move. We had found an awesome house, but we had to get utilities turned on, deposits paid, movers scheduled, etc. It was a very long week for me.

On the bright side though, at the end of this week, I got two weeks off!

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